Social media helps Bedford police improve community support
Date of alert:
Thursday 10 March 2022
Crime Ref:
Bedfordshire Constabulary
Increasing officers’ social media presence has helped Bedfordshire Police community officers to better understand residents’ policing needs.
Superintendent Jaki Whittred, from Bedfordshire Police, told the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee last week (March, 3) that one of community policing core priorities is engaging with communities.
“We have that real balance in community policing where we have to be able to listen to communities and respond to whatever those local issues are,” superintendent Whittred said.
“But we have to balance it against some really difficult challenging organised crime issues.
“A key part of community policing is around engaging with communities and really understanding those local issues.
“Part of what we were trying to do, particularly through Covid but we are continuing with it now, is doing lots more online engagement using social media.