Calne police station to become base for Wiltshire rural crime team

Date of alert:
Saturday 11 March 2023
Crime Ref:
Wiltshire Police
Calne police station to become base for Wiltshire rural crime team
Calne police station is set to become the base for Wiltshire’s rural crime team and will not - as controversially announced in 2019 - be shutting its doors.
Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson announced at the Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel on March 9: “We are not closing the police station.
"We will be giving it a refresh and replacing some of the security systems we have there.
"It will become a permanent base for the rural crime team. We want to improve our engagement within Calne.”
A spokesperson from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner added: “Calne’s police station provides a useful location for a variety of policing services, of which one is a touchdown point for Wiltshire Police’s Rural Crime Team and for neighbourhood policing teams to base themselves from.”
Touchdown points are areas where police officers and staff can work and interact with the public.
The spokesperson explained: “The long-term use of the former station will be identified in the PCC’s new Estates Strategy, which is currently under review and expected to be completed later in 2023, but there are no current plans to dispose of the building – which has been welcomed by the local community.