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Rural Crime News And Alerts From FarmWatcherUK

County Durham firefighters rescue horse from beck

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County Durham firefighters rescue horse from beck

Date of alert:

Monday 4 April 2022

Crime Ref:


Durham Constabulary

IREFIGHTERS sprang into action to rescue Windy the horse after he got trapped in a beck near a County Durham village at the weekend.

Two fire crews were dispatched to the scene at Wingate, east Durham, where they used a sling to prevent him becoming more submerged, before pulling him out using straps and an animal harness.

A County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: "Reports of a trapped horse at Tilery Farm Stables in Wingate came into CDDFRS control at 12.15pm on Saturday (April 2).

"Two appliances from Peterlee and Bishop Auckland attended the incident along with our Special Rescue Unit also from Bishop Auckland.

"On arrival, our crews were met with Windy the horse (26 years old) who had become stuck in the beck and was trapped by his rear right leg.

"Our crews had confirmation that a veterinary was on route so in the meantime they stabilised the horse with a sling to prevent the horse from submerging further. At this point Windy managed to free his own leg.

County Durham firefighters rescue horse from beck

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