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Rural Crime News And Alerts From FarmWatcherUK

Drone discovers two big cats being illegally kept in North Norfolk village

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Drone discovers two big cats being illegally kept in North Norfolk village

Date of alert:

Monday 13 June 2022

Crime Ref:


Norfolk Constabulary

In the wild serval cats can take down big prey including young antelope and can jump up to two metres in height

A Cromer resident has been convicted for illegally keeping two serval cats without a licence. The individual admitted to the offence of keeping dangerous and wild animals without authority of a licence, under Section 1 (1) of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act.

The cats, a male and female were being kept at land in Colby and were seen when Norfolk Rural Crimes flew a drone over their suspected location. Serval cats are classified as dangerous wild animals under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. They are large animals that in the wild, are capable of tackling sizeable prey, including young antelope and are capable of jumping up to two metres in height and can reach top speeds of 50mph.

The resident received a fine of £40, plus costs, compensation and the victim impact charge totalling £674. North Norfolk District Council took the individual to court after a complaint arose in September 2021 regarding concerns for the animals.

Drone discovers two big cats being illegally kept in North Norfolk village

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