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Rural Crime News And Alerts From FarmWatcherUK

Police crush Jeep 'abandoned' in field by 'incompetent driver'

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Police crush Jeep 'abandoned' in field by 'incompetent driver'

Date of alert:

Sunday 3 April 2022

Crime Ref:


Warwickshire Police

Police have seized and crushed a Jeep in Stratford-upon-Avon. Officers from the Rural Crime Team were tipped off by a member of the public about the vehicle having been 'abandoned' in the middle of a field.

Officers slammed the 'incompetent driver' for getting the vehicle 'stuck in the only puddle on the field.' It is believed the Jeep had been used in hare coursing or deer poaching offences.

Cops added that the vehicle also caused significant damage to the field. With the help of a 'friendly farmer', the car was seized and taken to a recovery compound.

Police say the registered keeper of the vehicle failed in responding to any communications about the vehicle. This led to the Jeep being crushed.

Police subsequently issued the keeper of the vehicle six points on their driving licence. They also dished out a £400 fine for failing to provide details of the driver.

Police crush Jeep 'abandoned' in field by 'incompetent driver'

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