Sheep farmer hangs dead lamb from gate after dog attack
Date of alert:
Saturday 7 May 2022
Crime Ref:
Cumbria Constabulary
A Cumbrian sheep farmer took drastic action to highlight the futility of sheep worrying by hanging a dead lamb from his farm gate.
Tenant farmer James Taylor says he has tried everything to raise awareness with dog owners about the devastating consequences of livestock worrying, including putting up about a dozen signs in the past two years.
On Sunday 1 May, the farmer discovered the carcass of a mule lamb lying dead in a 14ha field in Kendal after it had been mauled to death by an unknown dog.
Mr Taylor told Farmers Weekly he remembers lambing the newborn and “it died about 20 yards from where it was born three weeks ago”.
Two public footpaths bisect the field where the lamb was found, and are used by about 60 dog walkers each day.
No one has come forward to claim responsibility for the attack, which has been reported to Cumbria Police.
“I have put up about a dozen signs over the past couple of years, urging dog walkers to keep their pets on a lead near livestock,” said Mr Taylor.
“The wording on the signs has got progressively stronger as people still ignore them.
“This lamb was killed just a few yards from a sign which said: ‘Dogs caught sheep worrying will be shot on site.’