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Traffic on A419 caused by Hay lorry crash
Date of alert:
Sunday 11 September 2022
Crime Ref:
Wiltshire Police
Miles of traffic built up on the A419 after a hay lorry was involved in an accident with another lorry.
National Highways South-West have reported that recovery is on the scene but that a lane of the A419 southbound is closed between the A4259 at Swindon and the M4 J15.
The two lorries crashed on the roundabout.
Traffic officers and Wiltshire Police are on the scene.
At around 9am there was a 35 minute delay on approach, with four miles of congestion.
A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police said: "At around 7.25am this morning, we were called following a two-vehicle RTC on the slip road to the M4 eastbound.

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