Young rider’s call for better protection from dangerous dogs
Date of alert:
Tuesday 5 March 2024
Crime Ref:
A rider who was attacked by a dog last year, and has since had five or six similar near-misses, has launched a Government petition hoping for “better protection for all of us”.
More than 43,000 people signed a previous petition Victoria Brown started on Change.org, and she is hoping for support in her call for a change to dangerous dogs legislation. Victoria started the campaign, which includes videos of good and bad dog ownership, posted on her social media, after she and her mare Darcey were attacked while out hacking last April.
Darcey suffered a minor flesh wound and, once Victoria’s video posted on social media led to the owner’s identification, the police issued her a dog behaviour contract.
Victoria said she believes the issue is not talked about enough. She always hacks with a GoPro so started sharing all her encounters with dogs.
View the petition here: